What greater gift can you give your child than confidence to grow to be independent, self-reliant, and safe?
At Kiddy Krav our goal is to help you provide your child with these valuable life skills; to provide them with the attitudes and values that will make them fulfilled and confident individuals.
It is an unfortunate fact that children are extremely vulnerable within modern society. They lack the life experiences and skills to spot danger – skills that you and I (as adults) often take for granted. Parents impart this knowledge as they grow, but often in a haphazard and uncertain manner; we’re not always sure how to prepare our kids for their next steps in the world and we worry if we are doing or saying the correct things.
Here at Kiddy Krav we provide a systematic and proven set of skills and knowledge that helps children learn quickly how to take care of themselves and to avoid dangerous situations. We use unique training methods for 4-8 year olds to learn vital skills without even knowing it! Your child will develop coordination, gross and fine motor skills, the ability to follow directions, increased assertiveness, and an awareness of danger that is truly amazing.
Crucial skills from road safety, to stranger danger, environmental awareness, safety from tripping and falling, safety in the home, and many, many more skills are taught in a manner that is child-centred and highly enjoyable.
We teach through play, and this keeps kids loving Krav Maga when other pastimes and hobbies fade in interest.

Avoiding confrontation, recognising threats such as school bullying, and possible abductions are all part of the games we teach in class. Krav Maga is unlike any other martial art or activity you will ever see! No silly kick-ass moves or pointless drilling that have no real-world application for children. We only provide skills that work and have been proven to work.
In short, we provide three main areas of development within Kiddy Krav:
- Physical growth/fitness
- Motor skills and coordination
- Emotional and social development
These are things that will filter into every aspect of your child’s life, from concentration and application at school, to better behaviour, to increased interaction at home. Everyone benefits from having healthy, sensible, and enthusiastic kids! And, the best thing is, they don’t even realise they’re learning these things because they’re too busy having fun!
Isn’t your child too precious not to have these life-enhancing and possibly life-saving skills?
Class Schedule 2025
*** First class of 2025: 11th January ***
Time: Saturdays 1.30-2.15pmVenue: Lady Bay Bridge, Nottingham
Dates: Our classes are term-time to coincide with school!
Spring Term 1: 11th Jan - 15th Feb
Spring Term 2: 1st March - 5th April
Summer Term 1: 26th April - 17th May
Summer Term 2: 7th June - 12th July
August: TBC
Autumn Term 1: 6th Sept - 18th October
Autumn Term 2: 8th Nov - 13th December
*** First Class Free ***
Email Hannah to book your places or for more information: hannah@kravmaga-nottingham.co.uk